Hall Wedding

Every memory I have the opportunity to help capture is an amazing honor. It brings me so much joy. Seriously, I cannot explain to you how much of a privilege it is to capture people's biggest life moments and freeze them in time for them. It is particularlly special when it is people I dearly love.

Maggie and Lawton are good friends of Will and I. In our house I refer to them as "my favorites". Their love is beautiful. It is soft, tender, and genuine. Their love challenges me to love better, more fully and sacrificially. Each of them gives so much into their relationships with friends and family; they cherish people and treat them as such. This spills into their relationship with one another and together they are able to love people around them that much more. 

Their day was absolutely beautiful. From the origami seat settings to the amazing flower arrangements, their artistic gifting was on full display. Her dress had an elegant vintage vibe with modern lines and both Maggie and Lawton had these awesome vintage coats. Their food was perfectly crafted, oh so delicious and was washed down by specially crafted blood orange Old Fashions. The best word I can find to describe their community is: texture. They were surrounded by absolutely beautiful people who have such amazing and varied personalities and hearts. 

It was truly a wonderful day and an honor to capture. My prayer for you, Maggie and Lawton, is that your love grows ten fold and drenches all those you come into contact with. It is a blessing to know you. Cheers to the beginning of a great adventure!