Kraft Wedding

Laura and Jared are in love... like, I'm talkin' madly in love. Laura has been a friend of Will and I for a long time now. She spends her days working in college ministry and pouring herself out for others. She has an amazingly kind and welcoming heart and we have always known that if she were to decide to get married one day it would be to a very special man. Jared is that special guy. He looks at Laura with such great affection and pours himself out to serve and love her well. I feel so mushy writing this, but it is true! Jared loves Laura so well and the first time we had dinner with these two we just knew that they would spend the rest of their lives together. Jared is an architect and Laura is an artist of many trades including photography and graphic design. Together they create some beautiful things and complement one another so well.

Jared, you love Laura tenderly and humbly walk beside her supporting her to be a generous and loving woman. Laura, you build Jared up and speak beautiful words that beckon him into being more like Jesus. The way you guys love is real and inspiring. My prayer for you is that you remember this love you have begun with. That you continue to look at one another with great love and affection and speak words of truth and strength to one another. I pray you grow in this and learn to do it even more fully so it brings about an even greater love between the two of you and the community that surrounds you. Cheers to you and the many years ahead as you learn and grow in love for one another!