The Birth of Henry

When I have a client who is pregnant with their third+ child, I am always on my toes while on call because labor can go very quickly. True to this Christina's third baby came fast, very fast. At 6:19am on February 22nd Christina texted me and told me that she was feeling a little more "crampy" and that she would keep me posted if things progressed. At 6:52am she texted me and told me that she was "definitely feeling contractions" and that she was "trying to rest." At 8:03am I got a text from Rita, Christina's doula, that she was meeting Christina and Dan at the hospital and that is when I knew things had progressed very quickly. I hopped in my car, dropped off my son at the babysitter and rushed to the hospital. I walked in 10 minutes after Christina had gotten there and she was pushing! Christina pushed for a total of 15 Minutes and into the arms of his father, with a shout of "it's a boy!," baby Henry was born at 8:50am weighing 9lbs 8oz and 23in long!

Watching Christina and Dan as they journeyed through her quick labor and then the hours following as they spent time getting to know their newborn son, was truly an honor. Dan spoke words of encouragement and love as Christina, calm and focused, birthed their sweet boy. They are seasoned parents and they seemed completely in their element as they worked in tandem welcoming their son earth-side. The room was filled with a great love and excitement to welcome a son into their family. Christina and Dan, you exude love and your daughters and son are lucky to be loved and parented by you. Wishing you all the best as a family of 5!